Crosby's Blog

In his blog, EWA Chief Strategy Officer Mark Crosby addressed topics of concern to the land mobile radio industry. Unleashed and unvarnished, Mark takes on speculators, exposes the practices of those who prey upon unknowing licensees, and comments on spectrum policy at large.

June 14, 2024
I’m surprised that this hasn’t come up before, Verizon suggesting that the FCC might simply throw up their hands at 4.9 GHz in desperation and conduct a 4.9 GHz overlay auction.  Does anyone doubt that the FCC will be given auction authority again? The potential for that approach has always lingered in the background and has become more of a...
February 22, 2024
This is it! These are the 4.9 GHz comments that will tip the scales in PSSA/FirstNet’s favor at the FCC. A Bert Norton recently advised the FCC that he supports “the position and comments of the Public Safety Spectrum Alliance (PSSA). The 4.9 GHz spectrum should remain solely for the use of public safety. I am opposed to sharing this spectrum with...
February 12, 2024
Before you sign a letter written for you, it’s a good idea to carefully review the contents so you don’t appear naïve.  The Arkansas Sheriffs’ Association recent letter to the FCC suggested that the 4.9 GHz band “should be allocated to the FirstNet Authority so that it may be available for use within the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network...
December 18, 2023
“This notification is to inform you that, in light of the outpouring of requests received from current and former customers (thank you!), WIA has decided that we will not be shutting down our Frequency Coordination Services on December 29, 2023, as previously announced.” We could have fun attempting to decipher the rationale for WIA’s u-turn on...
December 5, 2023
So, it’s the end of the year, a time to assess where we are with our advocacy efforts. We have been busy for sure, but busy hasn’t generated many results in 2023. Without providing too many details, we are awaiting FCC action in response to several EWA petitions that will promote spectrum efficiency while eliminating unnecessary, 30-plus year old...
September 29, 2023
An EWA member recently forwarded to my attention a solicitation from a public safety association promoting the benefits of its spectrum management arm which is providing Part 90 public safety licensing, renewal assistance and construction FCC notification services. Why not, and it was clear that the solicitation was directed towards public safety...
September 13, 2023
I became aware recently of a member’s concern that my blog had regressed to a series of rants and that it was not an effective way of responding to those who advocate a different opinion. To be clear, I appreciate the feedback, but my blogs tend to focus on the outlandish, misleading, and sometimes dishonest claims from policy adversaries. I want...
August 30, 2023
I’ve written about this think tank before, the Open Technology Institute at New America (OTI), covering their numerous FCC filings touting, virtually to the point of hysteria, the unbelievable, unfathomable benefits that will be unleashed should the FCC authorize Very Low Power (VLP) devices and higher power for indoor-only (LPI) devices at 6 GHz...
August 10, 2023
On August 3, a group of organizations acting under the misleading name of the “Public Interest Spectrum Coalition” (PISC) reported meeting with the offices of all Federal Communications Commission Commissioners to call upon them to finalize the rules in the 6 GHz proceeding. The ex parte reporting the meeting included the claim that VLP “devices...
August 3, 2023
Geez!!!  NCTA – The Internet and Television Association has thrown a hissy fit in response to First Energy and other 6 GHz incumbent advocacy efforts to ensure that there are realistic protocols to protect incumbent operations from interference when the predicted hundreds of thousands of unlicensed devices penetrate the band and mingle with...
